Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Feelin Fabu!

I don't think I've ever felt so strong in my entire life. I mean I'm a strong person physically, emotionally, mentally, etc. but I don't think I've ever felt so solid and in complete harmony before. My body, mind, soul, and heart are all diggin this yoga experience and it is such a great feeling!

Since my last post I've practiced yoga for hours and hours and also had another lecture with the Cloud Nine peeps. Our lecture on Friday was about the different schools of yoga...my favorite being Bhakti Yoga.

Raja Yoga is the type of yoga that focuses on the physical practice, so asana, pranayama, yamas, niyamas, pratyahara, etc. It is the Yoga of the Self. Jnana Yoga (pronounced yana) is the Yoga of Wisdom, the acquisition of knowledge, inquiry, questioning, and study. Karma Yoga is "doing yoga," the Yoga of Right Action. It is manifested by giving oneself to the world without reward (think Mother Teresa). And finally, my personal favorite, Bhakti Yoga... The Yoga of LOVE!

In Bhakti Yoga emotional practice is highlighted, like worship, prayer,singing, ceremony, etc. Jesus is a Bhakti yogi cause He's all about love. In our lecture on Friday I talked about how I was drawn to Bhakti yoga because of my faith in Christ. I talked about "agape" or unconditional love and how love should be for everyone, not just those who think, act, believe, or look like you. Bhakti yoga is a devotional and I feel that it really strengthens my beliefs as a Christian.

By reading about the different types of yoga as well as the yamas and niyamas I am building my foundation as a lover of Jesus, but also as a well-rounded individual and yogini. So much of what we are learning is what Christ teaches as well and it's a great feeling to know that I am exactly where I should be in my life right now. For a while I was a little worried about some of the yoga practices and how they would conflict with my beliefs as a Christian, but as I continue to study, practice, pray, and learn I am reinforced with the belief that this will only strengthen my love for God, not separate me from Him.

This is a really exciting time in my life and I really look forward to each yoga class and each lecture/asana intensive because of how much I'm learning and growing. I'm changing for the better and it is an amazing feeling. I am so grateful for this opportunity and for all of the people involved. Thank you!

agape love

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