Sunday, June 22, 2008

Asana Intensive #2

I LOVE ASANA INTENSIVES!! I realize that I might be insane for loving to do and learn about yoga for 8 hours straight, but its so much fun!! I was so much more prepared physically for this asana intensive, so I feel that it was much more enjoyable and if I'm being honest, bearable than the first.

The day started out a little rough. I was still pretty emotional from the night before and didn't get much sleep. Our first morning practice was difficult for me because I had a really hard time concentrating. Also, the practice was comprised mostly of balancing poses which are hard for me because of my weak ankles (and my lack of focus made them even harder). Add in the fact that I'm in a tiny room with 8 other people and its 80 degrees (which means lots of sweat and lots of slippage on my yoga mat), it all seemed like a recipe for an emotional disaster. I made it through with only a few tears of frustration and a few too many tears during Viparita Karani (legs-up-the- wall pose, which is supposed to cure whatever ails you).

Lunch came and I wasn't even hungry, but thirsty as hell!!! After our lunch break we switched to anatomy and I have to say it was pretty damn cool. We talked all about the feet and ankles, the gluts, quads, hamys, pelvis, and abs. We discussed contraindications, modifications, and different poses that strengthen and stretch each of these areas. We also treated ourselves to a little tennis ball massage...which is absolutely amazing!! If you're curious, let me know because I guarantee you'll love it! I learned so much about the body and particularly how and wear my body holds stress (ehem, it my badonkadonk and sacrum).

After our anatomy lesson we did another asana practice where we put to use our new knowledge and worked all the areas discussed. This time I was much more serene and focused. My balancing poses were more grounded and much easier for me to do. My abs are sore, sore, sore from all that ab work, but I feel great! Our extra long savasana was definitely appreciated (and deserved) as well.

I'm really enjoying the group of people going through the training with me and greatly appreciate the blending of personalities around me. The teachers are beyond amazing and each have something unique to contribute. I feel that after this week and my knew knowledge of the body, I might be ready to start teaching in my mentor's class. Our asana intensive was brutal, but great! I'm really looking forward to my week of yoga and all that I'll get to read about and learn this week!


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