Monday, August 11, 2008

The Magnificent 7...

We are a random bunch, coming from all walks of life, being led by some amazing yogis along this crazy 14 week journey...scratch that, this amazing lifelong journey.

It was only 10 weeks ago that we all gathered for the first lecture; some of us already acquaintances, others meeting for the first time. An interesting dynamic to say the least...some loud and boisterous, others quiet and guarded...all of us a little unsure and nervous to show our true selves. My greatest fear was being judged by those who did not know me. Excitement and energy buzzed through the room on that first night as we introduced ourselves and discussed our individual journeys that led us to Cloud Nine Yoga teacher training. It was strange to hear everyone's different stories and realize that we were all brought to this place at this time for a specific reason. What that reason was, I was still unsure...but as these 10 weeks have passed I have gradually become more and more sure and secure in the fact that there is a purpose for all of it.

Over these past 10 weeks our group has blossomed. We've shared such intimate moments including emotional releases, spiritual awakenings, physical blunders, and the overall vicious circle of life. This past week seemed to be the toughest of all with jobs lost, friends passing, family crises, and the like. I felt myself absorbing everyone else's energy and surging with compassion for my friends whose hearts were hurting. Yesterday was the day that I realized that my fear of being judged had disappeared. These people have become part of my tribe, my life force, and each of them contribute to who I am becoming while traveling down my yogic path. What do they contribute? Themselves. Their hearts, souls, love, support, joy, wisdom, and so much more.

To my magnificent 7, here is what I value in each of you...
Court- my friend, you amaze me with your strength and determination. Your laughter makes me smile and your friendship makes me feel safe. You are one of the most loyal friends I have ever had and have helped me to realize just how much happiness I deserve in life.
Debra- Your exuberance is contagious! I love that you desire to help so many different people from different walks of life. And the fact that you ride a scooter just makes me love you even more!
Rachel- You have a poetic nature about you that I truly resonate with. The retreat made me realize just how much we have in common and I feel so much closer to you, my sister in Christ.
Toby- The transformation you've made in the past 10 weeks amazes me. You grow more confident with the more knowledge you attain and are so open to learning knew things. And who can forget to mention your never-ending collection of commentary t-shirts.
Tucker- Your child-like enthusiasm brings me back to earth. The comments you make in class make me surge with laughter and joy. You bring such a youthful energy to our group and for that I am so grateful.
Wendy- Your gentle spirit and loving words amaze me daily. You are always so appreciative of everyone else's spirits, but have yet to find the value in your own. Your light shines more and more each week and I can't wait for you to burst out of that your own time.
and to myself- you are the true definition of a lotus flower: you have risen from the mud, continually growing towards the light and have now breached the surface of the water where you will continue to blossom into a beautiful flower.

And to the fab four leading our tribe...
Linda- You have such sweet energy about you. Your gentle tone of voice is so incredibly soothing and your different perspectives in class are so refreshing and helpful.
MacKenzie- I love that you get so excited over our anatomy lectures!! You have helped me love my body for what it is and have really encouraged me to learn more about the human body and how truly amazing it is...not to mention that you are just such a cool chick!
Stella- my darling Stellafly, I cherish your friendship more than words can say. You remind me that I am who am and that's all that matters. You've helped me to stop worrying about what others think and to find the importance in speaking my own truth. For that I am eternally grateful.
Tobi- I see so much of myself in you. Your attention to detail and organization are not lost on a type A personality like me. I appreciate your encouragement and your loving words and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for my new mantra "take what I need and leave what I don't."

We only have 4 more weeks to go and I just know they're going to be amazing. I believe that God has truly blessed our group and has brought us all together for a purpose. We are truly representing heaven on earth and I am so honored to be a part of this Cloud Nine generation. Love and Namaste.

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