Friday, June 6, 2008

Yogini Teacher Training Day 1: Lecture

WOOOOHOOOOO! Teacher training has officially begun and I could not be more excited. Tonight was pretty basic...we introduced ourselves and discussed our yoga story...went over logistics (money, logging hours, assignments due, etc) and talked about what is expected of us during our 200 hour training. It was a little overwhelming, but oh so enjoyable!!

Two things excited me most (other than the obvious fact that I'm training to be a friggin yoga the first is the fact that at least 20 of our hours are going to be fulfilled by working with a mentor. Cloud Nine has a huge network and my teachers already have a few people in mind for me who teach kids yoga and prenatal yoga. The other thing which excited me was the fact that we can actually start teaching now!! No paying gigs of course, but I can start volunteering, assisting in classes, planning future classes, etc. I cannot wait to dive in and "get my hands dirty" so to speak.

The next 3 months are going to be absolutely amazing, I can just feel it!

I'm off to the kitchen to make my sack lunch and then off to bed for some restful pre-yoga sleep. Lord knows I'll need body has no idea what its gotten into! God give me strength to endure 8 hours of asana intensive tomorrow!!

Check out the CNY website:

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