Thursday, June 19, 2008


...was such an awesome day!! Actually, this whole week has been pretty awesome!

Obviously I've been doing yoga like crazy and I can already feel a difference in my peace of mind, my strength, my flexibility, etc. I'm enjoying this journey immensely. I've always been certain that this was what I was supposed to be doing at this point in my life and never doubted it, but yesterday I was filled with such passion just thinking about the endless possibilities yoga can bring to my life.

God has truly blessed me with an amazing mentor, Lindsey. I observed Lindsey's prenatal yoga class yesterday and fell in love!! First of all, Lindsey and I could seriously be related. We look alike and our personalities are such a perfect fit. Those girls at Cloud Nine knew this but didn't tell me...they let me realize it for myself. Her class caters to all pregnant women at different stages of their pregnancy. It is a mellow and relaxing class geared towards bonding with the baby, opening the hips, and really just taking personal time. Lindsey has such a generous and servant-like heart. I learned a lot from her in just 1 and 1/2 hours and I cannot wait to go back next week. She's bringing me some books to read about prenatal and kids yoga which I'm really excited to read! If any of you are interested in Lindsey's services (as a doula or a yoga teacher) check out her websites: and Soul at Home is located in Tustin and is an amazing space to practice yoga in. There is a schedule on the website and I'd encourage anyone in the area to check it out. Eventually, once my schedule permits I'm going to take a few personal classes there.

Another great part about yesterday was the class that I went to. It was at 8:30 pm (which I was skeptical about because I felt like I'd be awake until 2am) at Yoga World in Long Beach. The teacher (I think her name was Cathy) was great and lead a very well-rounded yoga class. We did ab work, leg work, stretching, balancing, and had a great savasana. She doesn't normally teach that class, so I'm hoping there are other classes she teaches that fit with my schedule. I was extremely energized, yet completely relaxed when the class was over. And to top it all off, I fell asleep about a minute after my head hit the pillow. I cannot tell you the last time that has happened!! I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and ready to hit Stella's 8:30 yoga beat class. I'm a little sore after doing back to back yoga classes this whole week, but it's a good sore :) I'm looking forward to our asana intensive on saturday as well.

In addition to all this physical yoga I've been doing, I've also been working on the other limbs of yoga and on "taking my yoga off the mat." I'm consciously trying to incorporate my beliefs as a Christian and the teachings of yoga into my daily life and I can honestly say its making a difference. I feel completely at peace right now and it's great! I know that God has a plan for me and that he's using me through this journey. I've been praying that He would open up some doors for me and really show me what His purpose is for my life.

The rest of today is going to be spent on my anatomy homework (woohoo!) and then I'm off to the real world called work. Tomorrow is another lecture and saturday is our asana intensive. I really feel that my body is much more prepared for what's to come on saturday and I'm interested to see what Stella, Mac, and Tobi have in store for us.

I hope everyone is doing well!! All my love!

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